KLSD entered into a Performance Contract in the 2013/14 school year. The $7M Energy Efficiency contract included Lighting and Mechanical upgrades across the entire KLSD building portfolio. All of the energy efficiency measures were completed by 2016.  

Since the broad market adoption of the public space in LED technology did not occur until after 2016, cities or municipalities that executed performance contracts did not implement a LED-based solution. Similarly in the KLSD performance contract, lighting fixtures were upgraded to compact florescent and linear fluorescent technologies for all of the offices, classrooms, and common areas.  

KLSD recognized the opportunity to re-visit the lighting fixtures to seize on the technology transition to LED to drive immediate incremental energy savings for the district. Due to the relatively new lighting fixtures, KLSD utilized both retrofit and direct voltage replacement bulbs.  

- Brightcore received an audit of Katonah-Lewisboro School District on February 26, 2021

- Brightcore identified an opportunity for 6,641 LED fixture technology upgrades
- The economic impact of the upgrade drives a 50% additional reduction in electrical energy savings across the district

- The upgrade delivered $68K in annual electrical energy savings

- There was an additional $24K in annual material savings

- The district was also able to address some light level issues in t resulted from inadequacies from the initial performance contract

Brightcore Energy Case Study John Jay High School Katonah Schools Costs Savings

KLSD utilized the OMNIA Federal pre-negotiated public procurement agreement to accelerate the award of the project to complete during the summer school shutdown. Brightcore partners with Graybar Electric, the contract holder for OMNIA for electrical material & services.


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